The existential analytical approach to living with “inner consent”

21st November, 2019 - University College, London

How to lead a happy and fulfilled life: the existential analytical approach to living with “inner consent”

with Dr. Alfried Längle

We all want a fulfilling and happy life – real lasting happiness, which can only come from true inner fulfillment. Of course, life has its difficulties, challenges, and tragedies, but there are certain skills we can learn to help us cope. What are these competencies that can help us feel anchored and in-touch with our values and direction in life? What will enable us to overcome life’s difficulties? How can anxiety and depression be managed so that we can reach a deep feeling of satisfaction? What is happiness?

This talk by Dr. Alfried Längle gives details about the existential analytical approach to finding meaning and inner fulfillment, which recognises that our existence is built on fundamental motivations, which enable a life with “inner consent”. It will be followed by a question and answer session.


This talk is a taster session for Dr. Längle’s new London diploma course in Existential Analysis. The four-and-a-half year course, run by Existential Analysis and Logotherapy in the UK (GLE International) is aimed at health professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, counsellors, coaches and anyone who wants to deepen their psychological knowledge. The 18-module course will provide unique skills in existential analysis and logotherapy, and will qualify people to practice counselling, psychotherapy and coaching in the UK. ​The GLE International training programme was created by Dr. Längle in 1991 and is based on foundations developed together with Viktor Frankl, as well as Längle’s own later research. Today, this highly successful training course is taught in North America, South America, Russia and across Europe. For more information see:


Alfried Längle M.D.,Ph.D, professor for psychotherapy, born in 1951 in Austria, studied medicine and psychology. He collaborated closely with Viktor Frankl and developed a new direction in psychotherapy called existential analysis. Dr. Längle is the founder and former president of the International Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis - GLE International (Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse). He also founded the state-approved in Austria training school of Existential-Analytical Psychotherapy, and is former Vice President of the International Federation of Psychotherapy.

Dr. Längle’s Masters programmes are currently taught at Moscow's Higher School of Economics, the University of Salzburg, the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna and at Santiago de Chile. Existential Analysis training is available in continental Europe and North and South America. And now finally a course will be starting in London in November.
He has authored several books and over 300 scientific articles relating to the theory and practice of existential analysis. He was awarded the Austrian gold medal for his contribution to science.
