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Created by GLE-Intenational
Dr Alfried Laengle as Programme Director

Uncover the human mind and get your Psychotherapy Diploma in Existential Analysis



Existential Analysis is a phenomenologically open and person-oriented form of psychotherapy. It centres on the capacity for authentic decision-making, grounded in a conscious awareness of both personal freedom and responsibility.

The aim of Existential Analysis is to guide an individual towards living authentically and freely. This is achieved through a practical methodology that continually focuses on one's "inner consent" while addressing fundamental existential motivations. The approach involves phenomenologically processing any issues, conflicts, or traumas, treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms. It can be applied to a wide range of psychological problems and disorders.

While this approach shares some resonance with the Rogerian concept of ‘congruence,’ Existential Analysis places greater emphasis on active decision-making, personal commitments, emotionally grounded relationships, and self-understanding, rather than on interpretations, constructs, external adaptation, or judgments.

The GLE-International training program, founded by Dr. Alfried Längle in 1992, is based on principles developed by Viktor Frankl and Alfried Längle together, and Längle's later research. This highly successful training is now taught across North America, South America, Russia, and Europe.

If you have any questions, please contact our Applicant Enquiries team on +447595896974

This course offers a tailored learning experience, focusing on your individual needs and providing personalised, dedicated training.

The primary goal of Existential Analysis is to help individuals recognise and come to terms with their emotions and behaviours, enabling them to live in alignment with their own 'inner consent'.

The Diploma (Certificate) from GLE International qualifies individuals to practice counselling, psychotherapy and coaching in the UK.

GLE International is a member of the Federation of Existential Therapy in Europe (FETE), which, in October 2023, became a member of the European Wide Accrediting Organisation (EWAO) of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).

Austrian Training Programme For Psychotherapists is now available worldwide. Our full training course gives you unique skills in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy and opens up new professional paths for your future.


Benefits of Existential Analysis

Benefits of Existential Analysis

Benefits of Existential Analysis
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Dr Alfried Laengle: What is Existential Analysis

Dr Alfried Laengle: What is Existential Analysis

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The benefits of a journey  in Existential Analysis for a psychotherapist

The benefits of a journey in Existential Analysis for a psychotherapist

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Existential Analysis in Psychotherapeutic Practice

Existential Analysis in Psychotherapeutic Practice

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HR Specialists


and those interested in expanding their professional horizons and range of techniques

Helping professions such as:



Social Workers

Life Coaches

Those seeking a career change:

Individuals who want to communicate meaningfully with others and help them solve problems to discover their true selves.

Those interested in deepening their self-knowledge:

Individuals who want to better understand themselves and others, aiming to lead a more meaningful and balanced life.


What will you gain from the


  • Ways to discover meaning in  life


  • Insights into having a fulfilling personal life


  • Practical tools for helping others to attain a meaningful existence


  • In-depth knowledge about the structure of existence: how it is built and functions


  • A new sense of openness and mindfulness towards the world and oneself


  • An understanding of how psychological disorders and problems arise from existential foundations


  • Personal growth and development alongside professional excellence

  • Inspiration from life experiences and encounters with other group members


Psychotherapist, Existential Analyst, Clinical Psychologist, MD, Ph.D. Successor to Viktor Frankl.

Scientific advancements in Psychotherapy and Existential Analysis.

Past President of the International Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (GLE-I).

Founder and scientific supervisor of a number of educational centres of existential analysis in Berlin, Hanover, Hamburg, Westfalen,  Bern, Zurich, Vienna, Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Bregenz, Prague, Brno, Warsaw, Riga, Kiev, Lviv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vancouver BC, Alberta, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Mexico City, London.

Author of several books and numerous scientific articles dedicated to the theory and practice of Existential Analysis.

* The curriculum of the programme was created by Alfried Längle and is delivered by an international team of trainers from GLE-International:

Aleksandra Kupavskaya (Ph.D.), UK/Russia

Julia Günther (M.A.), Austria

Daniel Parker (Ph.D.), Brazil/USA

Käri-Ann Thorn (M.Ed.), Canada

Derrick Klaassen (Ph.D.), Canada

Olivier Bauduin (MBA), France/Czech Republic

Alfried Laengle (Ph.D.), Austria

Find out more about leading trainers of GLE International



The basic training centers thematically on the transmission of existential analytical anthropology and coping with existential borderline situations and crises (the teaching of meaning and existence). It deals with the questions of human nature and personhood. It also deals with existential motivation and the effects and symptoms of existential failure.



The contents will be reached, for the most part, by self awareness (inductive) and completed through lectures and discussions using illustrations of cases. The self aware interaction of personal experiences, coping behavior and points of view concerning the theoretical content generates a special plasticity and promotes a personal, emotional access.

Topics for the psychotherapeutic training in Existential Analysis

This course will be covering topics such as:

  • Introduction and framework to Existential Analysis

  • Existential Analysis theory of motivations

  • Fundamental motivation

  • Therapeutic relationships and dialogue

  • Anxiety, phobia, panic, compulsion; fearful personality disorder​

For full list and more details please follow the link below.

book launch 2019-9248.jpg

1st MODULE on
1st Fundamental


September 16  2pm – 8pm

September 17  1pm – 9pm

September 18  12am – 6pm

October 14  2pm – 8pm

October 15  1pm – 9pm

October 16  12am – 6pm

Click here for the full schedule of the Course

The Viennese School of Existential Analysis delivers teachings in Existential-Analytical psychotherapy under the clinical supervision of Alfried Längle in a hybrid format. 


Online 5-hour classes twice a month on Mondays (except August and December)

Face-to-face meetings twice a year in Europe (London and Vienna) for 5 full days





20x 5-hour online classes/year (Mondays)

2x face-to-face meeting/year (5 full days)

Themes: personality theories, theory of existence, existential motivations in theory and practice, methods of working with clients, clinical theory (psychopathology, aetiology) and self-reflection groups. 

150 hours of  supervision *

Supervision of client cases: a minimum of 150 hours (including both individual and group supervision), with discussion of 5-7 cases from students' own clinical practice.

*1 academic hour = 45 min 

Individual consultations (individual self-experience), private and group supervision, exam retakes are charged separately.

245 hours Self-experience
group included in the training seminars & additional peer group work

By attending the course, participants receive at least 245 hours of group self-experience and meet regularly throughout the training in smaller peer groups to deepen their understanding and application of existential concepts.

50 hours of self-experience*

Individual sessions with the accredited therapists of GLE-International.

Prices and payment




£12 480 

* Additional Fees:

- Acceptance weekend: £347 for a two-day seminar, during which the detailed introduction to the course is given, the group members are introduced to each other, and the final acceptance to the course is made. 

- Exam fees: Fees for exams on established exam dates are included in the course price. A £40 fee applies for any additional exam retakes.

- Individual self-experience: Fees vary depending on the therapist. A total of 50 hours of individual self-experience is required.

- Supervision of psychotherapeutic work (cases): Fees vary depending on the supervisor and whether supervision is in a group or individual setting. A total of 150 hours of supervision is required.



Written exams

Successful written examination - 85% pass mark. It is possible to retake the exam for an additional fee.



Written paper of at least 30 pages

(double spaced in standard academic format)

A case study or research work conducted using the existential analytical methodology.


Students who meet the qualification requirements obtain a Diploma from GLE-International.  

The Psychotherapy Diploma forms the basis to obtain certificates from 

the European Association for Psychotherapy,  BACP, UKCP, and other professional bodies.

Application process



Please ensure you meet the following criteria before applying


  • Education: Bachelor’s degree, preferably in psychology or social sciences (for exceptions, please get in touch with us directly).

  • Language: Proficient / Advanced level of English.


Successful completion of:

  • An application interview (including submission of the application form)

  • A two-day self-awareness seminar at the start of the programme, scheduled for March 22-23, 2025


These criteria serve as the basis for GLE-International’s decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the candidate.


Follow these steps to join our course.


Please submit the application form here to express your interest.


After submitting your application, you will be prompted to pay a one-time application fee of £100 / 120 Euros. This administrative fee also covers the cost of the admissions interview.


Your application will be reviewed by the training team, and you will receive a response within 3 weeks.


You are singed up!



Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

Contact us

+44 7595896974

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