The International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
GLE International
The International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis – Vienna (Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse – Wien, GLE-International) is a non-profit, scientific association. Its aim is to further develop and make known the existential-analytical anthropology and its application in psychotherapy, education, ministry, social work, industry, workplace and management.
The GLE-International is an umbrella association of all the national psychotherapeutic associations which offer training in accordance with the GLE’s principles and which see themselves as national representatives of the GLE-International. The founding members are the three German-speaking associations of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. According to the statutes, their chairpersons are automatically members of the board of the GLE-International. The rest of the board is elected by the delegates of the member associations.
The GLE-International was founded in 2002 as the legal umbrella association (registered in Austria). The GLE-International is a member of:
the International Society for Psychotherapy (IFP)
the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP)
the International Society of Depth Psychology
the Martin-Heidegger Society

Since 1983, there has been ongoing clinical training in Vienna, initially at the Institute of Logotherapy (Kozdera, Langle, Vesely-Frankl). The training centres and institutes of GLE-Austria have spread throughout Austria, with counselling and psychotherapy now taking place in six cities. Both counselling and psychotherapy are officially recognized by the state. More
than 10o training cohorts with approximately 1500 students have taken part in the clinical training in EA to date (not all completed the training; currently, there are almost 400 students).
The GLE has been the second-largest training institution for psychotherapy in Austria for 10 years. GLE- Austria alone has more than 1000 professional members. There has been regular clinical training in Germany since 1986 and in Switzerland since 1994, as well as national societies in both countries with a combined membership of approximately 500.
Clinical training began in 1993 in Romania and spread to various cities. A Romanian society was founded in 1994.
Training and the development of a national society in the Czech Republic began in 1996.
Clinical training began in Russia (Moscow, later also St. Petersburg) in 1999 with up to 38 training groups to date. The Russian society also organizes biannual conferences and has been editing a journal since 2007. They are present in many universities.
Training in Poland began in 2007, in 2012 in Ukraine, in 2014 in Latvia. A Russian-language taught training started in 2017 in England (London), including online training. In America, the first training began in 1998, precisely in Argentina (Mendoza). Later in 2000 in Mexico, in 2004 in Chile, and in 2006 in Canada (Vancouver). All of these countries have also established national societies.