Existential Analysis can be defined as a phenomenological and person-oriented psychotherapy, with the aim to lead the person to dare (mentally and emotionally) free experiences, to induce authentic decisions and to bring about a truly responsible way of dealing with life and the world. Thus, Existential Analysis can be applied in cases of psychosocial, psychosomatic and psychological caused disorder in experience and behaviour.
The psychotherapeutic process takes place via phenomenological analysis of the emotions as the centre of experiences. Biographical work and empathic listening by the therapist contribute to an improvement in emotional understanding and accessibility.
Logotherapy is a method of counselling or helping in the quest for meaning.
Why Existential Analysis?
Touch the Origins
Austria is the birthplace of psychotherapy. Freud's psychoanalysis focuses on the "will to pleasure" and Adler's individual psychology focuses on the "will to power". Frankl’s Logotherapy became known, through its focus on "will to meaning", as the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy. It has given way to the most recent development: Existential Analysis. Nowadays, it is one of the most influential phenomenological approaches in psychotherapy.
The main goal of Existential Analysis is to see a person in his/her core essence, help them fill their life with meaning and live in harmony with their values.
Dive Deeper
Rise to a New Level
Existential Analysis is not only theory and practice of therapeutic work; it is also a way of being. Studying Existential Analysis is a life-changing experience for all students - it shapes our minds and souls and eventually becomes our true lifestyle.

The classes are conducted by Alfried Laengle and other trainers from GLE International
Psychotherapist, Existential Analyst, Clinical Psychologist, MD, Ph.D. Successor for Victor Frankl.
Scientific developments in Psychotherapy and Existential Analysis.
Ex-president of the International Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (GLE-I).
An existential therapy handbook from those in the field, with its broad scope covering key texts, theories, practice, and research The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy is a work representing the collaboration of existential psychotherapists, teachers, and researchers. It's a book to guide readers in understanding human life better through the exploration of aspects and applications of existential therapy. The book presents the therapy as a way for clients to explore their experiences and make the most of their lives.
One of the editors is Alfred Laengle. The book offers an extensive set of articles on existential analysis
The launch of ‘The Wiley World of Existential Analysis’ at Waterstones in London. Dr Emmy Van Deurzen and Dr Laengle give an idea of what the book is all about, its origins and how it fits in the world of psychotherapy. The launch includes a discussion of how the modern world fits with psychotherapy and the movement between freedom and identity, life and death.
Existential well-being study
You are invited to participate in a research study aiming to develop a new questionnaire to measure of human well-being. The study is conducted by a team of psychologists from Russia (Higher School of Economics) and Austria (International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis).