with Alfried Laengle
and other existential analysts
The aim of Existential Analysis:
to discover a way of living that enables us
to give inner consent to our actions
(''affirmation of life'').
How to lead a happy and fulfilled life: the existential analytical approach to living with “inner consent”
with Dr. Alfried Längle
Thursday 21st November, at 19.00
UCL Institute of Education (IOE), 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL
Room W3.05
The lecture is free of charge - but please register
We all want a fulfilling and happy life – real lasting happiness, which can only come from true inner fulfilment. Of course, life has its difficulties, challenges, and tragedies, but there are certain skills we can learn to help us cope. What are these competencies that can help us feel anchored and in-touch with our values and direction in life? What will enable us to overcome life’s difficulties? How can anxiety and depression be managed so that we can reach a deep feeling of satisfaction? What is happiness?
This talk by Dr. Alfried Längle gives details about the existential analytical approach to finding meaning and inner fulfilment, which recognises that our existence is built on fundamental motivations, which enable life with “inner consent”. It will be followed by a question and answer session.

20-24 November 2019
Introduction and framework
to Existential Analysis
Definition and area of application of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy
Basic Existential Analysis theory, linking the main trends of psychotherapy
History of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy
Goal of Existential Analysis education in the field of psychotherapy and counselling
Philosophical basis and specific character of working in Existential Analysis
Spiritual and historical background of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy
Existential Analysis anthropology
Psychometric methods of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy