‘How to Find Meaning and Fulfilment
in Life’
A free public lecture by Dr Alfried Laengle
As human beings we are not simply existing in this world – we are constantly deciding and constructing who we are. In this process, we intuitively strive for happiness and fulfilment.
Finding this, however, requires a specific precondition: a deep commitment to one’s own life.
This talk explores the key ideas behind Existential Analysis and its unique approach to finding meaning and fulfilment. It recognises that our existence is built on four fundamental motivations which, when properly examined, can enable a life to be lived with ‘inner consent’.
The talk will be followed by a Q & A session.
Thursday 27th February, 1pm
University of East London (Stratford), Entrance from Water Lane, E15 4LZ, room: CW.0.48
Places are limited. Register now!
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