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Dr. Alfried Laengle's Lecture at Oxford University (20 Nov)

Yesterday, we had a pleasure to hear Dr. Alfried Laengle giving a lecture in front of 60 people in the packed room at Oxford University. Excellent audience and great feedback! It was great to have so many of you there. Here are a few photo impressions:

Missed yesterday's lecture? It's still not too late to register for Dr. Alfried Laengle's next talk. Today, he'll be speaking at University College London. It's a unique opportunity, don't miss it!

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Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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